Helpdesk Forwarded Mails & Notifications
When I forward the mails from our support@ address to the *, how can I archive that the comments/answers from the support agents go to the original sender. Now all comments go to the support@ address because the mail is forwarded.
And is it possible to deactivate the notification that a ticket was created that is sent out to the user?
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How exactly have you set up the forwarding?
As for the notifications: unfortunately, it is not possible to disable such notifications.
the problem was in the way I forwarded the mails from Outlook, but I have solved that now.
Ok, but it would be a great feature if you could disable the helpdesk notifications on project level.
Having the possibility to deactivate certain email notifications would be a +1 feature. We have specific clients, where we just don't want to send any infomration regading a ticket, but for internal purposes we need them in the system.
Any idea, if this will ever find a way into the product?
Hi. Would you like to have the option to disable just the notification about the created ticket or all the notification, including email replies? I'd appreciate it if you could share more information on your particular use case, i.e. why you need something hidden from the specific clients and whether you would like to expose anything at all to them. You are free to submit a private request, if you don't feel comfortable sharing it publicly.
First of all, thanks for the quick feedback. In general, I like the idea to have more control on what notifications should be sent and which won't. However, we have the use-case, that out support mail address is linked to helpdesk.
Two issues arose here:
1) We have clients, where we just don't wan to disclose information about our internal ticketing structure and we want to have a more “personal” reply, which we would do via the comments of the HD ticket
2) We have also marketing emails being sent to that address. However, we don't want them being created in Helpdesk at all or send a auto-reply to their address respectively.
We don't have a proper solution for 1), however 2) was resolved, by prefixing the subject with a certain keyword and filtering those out in Helpdesk.
We have three people checking the support emails and issues occured, because ppl tend to resolve emails in parallel. Having those in Helpdesk and assigning them to the correct person helps us a lot, but it's not that helpful with problems 1 & 2 in place.
Best Regards,
Hi Daniel, thanks for the detailed reply. To avoid disclosing information about the ticketing structure in the confirmation emails, you can modify the relevant notification templates in the project:
If you don't expect your customers to want to check their tickets in YouTrack ticket view, you can delete any links to YouTrack from the templates altogether. Hope this helps.