Printable List of Issues Resolved in Last n Days

Is there a way to generate a printable report of issues that were recently resolved? I would like to bring a printed summary of this to my weekly progress report meeting, but I can't figure out how to do it.

Number of resolved issues is not enough. I would like to see at least:
- Issue Summary
- Assignee
- Spent Time

Ideally I could also see:
- Created Date
- Resolved Date

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I'm Sergey from the YouTrack team.

You can just use the issue search to retrieve such data. For example, resolved date: {minus 7d} .. Today (resolved in the last 7 days). You can learn more about how the search works in the related documentation. Then on the issue list, you can also configure which fields are displayed, and then print the page or export data into a spreadsheet. You can also save this search for quick access.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

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