Converting a Version field to Build without losing data

Hi there,

I've got a project set up which has been running for a while, which has the “Found in build” and “Fixed in build” set up as “version (single)” types. I'm looking at getting the TeamCity integration working properly, and it seems like this is incorrect (and is the reason that the integration isn't doing anything). 

If I change the type for those fields to “build (single)” instead, will all of the existing version values be converted to builds (and the tickets be updated to reference the correct build), or will I lose data?

Do you have any recommendations on the best way to deal with this problem?

For reference, here's the current custom fields setup for the project:




Hi Rob!

I'm Sergey from the YouTrack team.

I'm looking at getting the TeamCity integration working properly, and it seems like this is incorrect (and is the reason that the integration isn't doing anything).

The YouTrack ⇔ TeamCity integration works with version-type fields as well, as they are very similar to the build ones. They only slightly differ in the properties they store.  If the TeamCity integration not working as you expect is the only reason for this change, then it's unlikely to help. I suggest that you submit a support ticket⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ to describe the issues with the TeamCity integration so that we can help you. 

If I change the type for those fields to “build (single)” instead, will all of the existing version values be converted to builds (and the tickets be updated to reference the correct build), or will I lose data?

If you convert version (single) → build (single) or vice versa, all field values stored in the issues will be transferred. Note, though, that version fields have properties like 'release date' that are not present in the build fields. Such properties's data will be lost.  

If you have any questions, please let me know. 


Hi Sergey,

Thanks for the reply! The documentation page lists “build” explicitly as a prerequisite of the integration - I guess this is out of date:

“The YouTrack project that you want to integrate with TeamCity uses a custom field that stores a value as a build type. You can use the default custom field Fixed in build or any other custom field that stores a build type.”

Once I saw that I assumed it was the problem and stopped investigating. I'll dig in a bit deeper and raise a ticket if I can't figure it out.

Thanks again,



Hello Rob,

Sorry for the confusion. I've created a task for our documentation team to update the TeamCity integration documentation. In general, if some field is unavailable for some setting or configuration, you cannot select it in the UI. 


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