Advanced search in YT (string-based enums)
we have many enums (string based) with build version which contains also platform name for example “App 1.2.3 (Android)”, “App 1.2.3 (iOS)”.
We can do following search in YT: “Fixed in Version: {App 1.2.3 (iOS)} Verified in Version: -{App 1.2.3*}”, where asterisk mean anything following so as soon as item is fixed in booth platform Android+iOS and verified in only one platform eg. Android in search result missing iOS version.
So I would like/need something like this: “Fixed in Version: {App 1.2.3 (iOS)} Verified in Version: -{App 1.2.3*(iOS)}”.
Is it possible in Youtrack?
Thank you
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I'm Lena from the YouTrack team.
I'm afraid, you can only add a wildcard to the end of an attribute value and not in the middle: