Thousand separator is gone since the new update
As the title says, numbers in custom fields are missing the thousand separator, since we upgraded our YouTrack form 2021.4 to 2024.1.


Also, floats got visibly larger, and sometimes, it is hard to read. See:

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I'm Sergey from the YouTrack team.
Thank you for contacting us. I'm happy to help.
I've created a corresponding bug report in our public tracker: JT-83889 Floats have no thousands separator. Please feel free to vote for this issue. Your vote helps us measure how many customers encounter this problem and automatically subscribes you to updates. To do so, sign in to JetBrains YouTrack and click the thumbs-up icon.
It now shows the whole number, whereas it used to truncate it to three first decimals. I'm afraid this behavior cannot be reverted.
If you have any questions, please let me know.