Sort cards on agile board separetly in each column.

How can I sort task in columns by different rules? 
I set up ordering by priority and this OK for Open cards. But in next columns I would like to see them in last change date order. Could I do this? 

1 comment
Official comment


I'm Sergey from the YouTrack team.  

I'm afraid there's no such option. I believe you've already found a related public feature request in our tracker: JT-74171. If we have any updates regarding this feature, we'll make sure to post them there.  

If anyone else is interested in this feature, feel free to vote for this issue! Your vote helps us measure feature demand, and it will also automatically subscribe you to updates. To vote, sign in to JetBrains YouTrack and click the thumbs-up icon.  

Hope this helps!

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