Report of user stories with related issues (bugs)

Hi all, 

I'm struggling to create a report that will essentially be a list of issues (type : user stories) with related bugs (relates to :bug-001) per issue. 

I would expect I'd be able to write a search query along the lines of : Project (Pr-001), Board (Brd-001), Sprint : (Current Sprint), type : user story,  relates to : "?"

(So I don't have to add a specific issue value but instead I am asking for each issue of this type to show me tickets that don't have empty value in the "related" field)

Not sure if it's feasible but I thought I might as well ask our friendly community ! 

(I am attaching a screenshot that hopefully helps. )


Thank you in advance  :) 


1 comment
Official comment

Hi Panos,

Please try the following query: `has: {Relates to} `, where "Related to" is the name of the required link (the autosuggest will display possible options). Please refer to

Hope it helps. 

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