Issue per assignee: remaining time


As I understand, I can create a report issue per assignee to accumulate total estimated/spent time per each assignee. Is it possible to create report to accumulate estimated-spent time (other words, remaining time) per each assignee?
Is it going to be supported soon?
What would you recommend me to take a look at if I want to implement this customisation myself?

Official comment


Sure, please enable "Show remaining/total spent time" option shown on the time report page:

Please let me know if it helps. 

Permanently deleted user

Hello, Anastasia!

Thank you, for quick reply.

But there is one small problem: as I understand this report only includes issues where a user clocked into, but doesn't include issues where a user is an assignee. Is this possible to include all issues where a user is an assignee?

Like in the report in attachment (but one from attachment is for spent time, not for remaining time)


I'm afraid time report includes only issues where at least one work item is added, this is by design for now - it is not possible to calculate the remaining time if there is no spent time. Unfortunately, there are no plans to change it in in the nearest future. 

Hope it helps. 

Permanently deleted user

Do I understand correctly, that this "Show remaining/total spent time" checkbox enables only TOTAL remaining time, but not per user?

Permanently deleted user

Also, could you please elaborate on logic behind this behaviour (this design)? Why is the opposite design not treated as sensible?

I can understand when it may be useful, but why the opposite option isn't considered useful and there are no plans to support this functionality?


Yes, sorry for the misleading. It is impossible to calculate the remaining time per user because we don't know what this user is going to do (e.g. different users can add work items to the same issue). There is no information about user's estimated work, only issue-based. That is why we show only total remaining time.
But you can see the remaining time for issues. 

> could you please elaborate on logic behind this behaviour (this design)? Why is the opposite design not treated as sensible?

By the opposite design, do you mean displaying issues with zero spent time in time reports?

Permanently deleted user

>By the opposite design, do you mean displaying issues with zero spent time in time reports?

yes, and grouping by assignee. 

Anyway, I got why you decided to follow the design which has been implemented, after your explanation it makes more sense for me.

Thank you for the explanation!


Generally, our goal was to avoid overloading the report with tons of information. 

Thank you, we'll be happy to help if you have any questions. Happy holidays!


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