Weekends in CFD

Hi all

i see that the CFD date axis does not take in account the work days configured in Time Tracking Settings. 

This causes a flat graph every weekend. 


Flat areas are no good in CFD :), is it possible to avoid that?




Official comment


I'm Sergey from the Youtrack team.

Thank you for the message. I'm happy to help you.

You are right — as of now, the workdays are not taken into account when building a cumulative flow diagram. I've created a feature request based on your post: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/JT-60219 Please feel free to vote for it, as it increases its priority and subscribes you to the email notifications. To do so, sign in to Jetbrains Youtrack hit the thumbs up icon. 

If any questions appear, please let me know. 

P.S. if you'd like to get in touch with our support team directly for a quick answer to your question, please fill in a direct request at https://youtrack-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/requests/new We'll be happy to help.

Hi Sergey,

thanks for your reply. I am spreading the word about the issue :)



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