Query issues with at least 1 unresolved children

Is it possible to query all issues ("Scope: {Epic}" in our system), which have at least 1 unresolved child which belongs to me?


Hello Michael,

Sorry for the delayed answer. You may create a request to our support if you wish to receive answers faster.

Currently, it is not yet possible to use linked issues' attributes in search queries. We have a corresponding feature request, please feel free to vote for it: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/JT-12436. It will increase the request's priority, and you will also receive a notification when its status is changed.


Hi Alisa,

thank you for your response! The issue wasn't urgent, therefore zendesk would've been overkill but thanks for pointing this out!

I managed to achieve what I was looking for with the query for:me #Unresolved has: -{Parent for}.

Just FYI if someone else ever stumbles upon this...


Hello Michael,

Thank you for your answer, I hope it would be helpful for other YouTrack users.

The query for:me #Unresolved has: -{Parent for} returns unresolved issues that are assigned to the current user and that are not parents for any subtasks. It is slightly different from the original query, but I'm glad that it suits your purposes!

Should you have any further questions, feel free to contact us. 


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