Problem when switch to HTTPS


I generated TLS key and keystore as youtrack instruction. But at the installation step HTTPS, Youtrack not accept the certificate and throw error "Hostname taken from Base URL doesn't match server certificate". But when I decode the certificate, all information is still true. Then I applied the HTTP and switch to HTTPS by command line. Everything run successfully, but after I start the youtrack 1min, it  shutdows without reasonable.

I tried the way that use keystore but can't input the right Alias so can't switch to HTTPS too.

Any experient on that please share with me.

Thanks & Regards

Official comment


I'm Sergey from the Youtrack team.

>But at the installation step HTTPS, Youtrack not accept the certificate and throw error "Hostname taken from Base URL doesn't match server certificate"

That's definitely the cause. This means that the hostname in the certificate doesn't match the hostname of your server. You can check the hostname of the server by entering 'hostname' in the command line of the server. Also, a common mistake here would be using a port number in the CN's value. Make sure that you don't do it. 

>Then I applied the HTTP and switch to HTTPS by command line. Everything run successfully, but after I start the youtrack 1min, it  shutdows without reasonable.

That's the advantage of doing it in the UI, as more checks are done so that a problem can be identified before running Youtrack. 

Hi! This exact thing is covered in point 5 of this doc:

As the Common Name parameter, set the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of your server.


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