i need milestones
hi there,
i am very new to youtrack and never worked with sprints or similar.
i am looking for something like "milestones", where i can define a "big goal" and see, which issues need to complete to finish that goal or to reach that milestone and how much percent is already done.
i would be very thankful if someone could let me know, how to handle this with youtrack.
thanks a lot,
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I'm Sergey from the YouTrack team.
In your case, you can create a board (without any sprints) that you can name after your milestone and add issues to this board required to reach this milestone. On this board, you'll be able to track how many issues you've done, how many you need to work on, and so on.
Please check our documentation to learn more: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/youtrack/incloud/Create-New-Board.html (see the sidebar for additional content).
If any questions appear, please let me know. Note that you can always contact us directly via https://youtrack-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/requests/new or youtrack-support@jetbrains.com
hi @Sergey, thanks for your advice. is there a chance to see how much percent is finished for that board? so I don't have to count manually? usually people want to know something like "we have 70% done for this special feature" 😏
Thanks for your reply.

Yeah, you can see how many cards are left in each column.
To represent it visually, you can use a commutative chart that is automatically built based on your board's cards.
thanks a lot, I will try 😏