YouTrack sorting by state
Hi All,
An old Jira user. Still getting the hang out of YouTrack.
I'm trying to list not closed issues by:
-> In Progress first, Reopen Second, Open
-> then order by num of votes (watchers)
-> then by priority Descending
-> then by last update Descending
I currently have this query:
order by: State DESC, votes DESC, Priority DESC, updated DESC
But I'm missing the part where I can select the `state` order.
Is this possible?
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I'm Sergey from the YouTrack team. Thank you for the post.
You can go to Projects → Settings → Fields → State. There find the list of values and reorder them as described in the doc:
This way you can define the order they appear when you sort by asc or desc.
Hope this helps!
Brilliant Sergey. Amazing product and a world-class support team.
I'm impressed with how much faster I am with YouTrack and I still don't even have muscle memory.
Thank you very much!
Thanks for the update! Happy to hear that you've been enjoying using YouTrack so far.
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