Creating and retrieving YouTrack reports.
Hi! I am using the YouTrack API to generate reports using the "reports/" suffix in the URL and sending the following as the POST request body:
aggregationPolicy: {
field: {
presentation: Spent time,
id: fieldId,
$type: CustomFilterField
, }, $type: ReportAggregationPolicy
, }, presentation: DEFAULT, query: null, name: reportName, $type: IssuePerProjectReport
, };
This is to obtain the number of hours spent for a project (this would give it for all projects). However, when I try to send a GET request for the report (using the ID in the response of body of the POST request), I often run in HTTP 409: Conflict.
The GET request uses the following format: "/reports/{reportID}/export/csv".
Do you know what could be the reason for this? I was also looking into recalculating the report created and from what I have noticed, the GET request should recalculated itself (I verified that the isOutdated field of the report status goes from being true -> false after the GET request is sent). Is this correct?
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Please excuse me for the delayed answer.
What type of report do you use? I have tried to reproduce the issue with HTTP 409 for the time report, but failed.
As for the recalculation of the report: you can use the POST request like this: Endpoint :$top=-1&fields=calculationInProgress,error(id),errorMessage,isOutdated,lastCalculated,progress,wikifiedErrorMessage
Sorry for my delayed response as well. Thank you for informing me about the endpoint for the recalculation since I was using a GET request which sometimes worked and sometimes does not. The POST request you sent will work for my purpose. I managed to resolve the 409 issue by switching to a GET request and specifying the fields instead of exporting to csv.
Also, recreating the issue is difficult because I think it only happens when the report is outdated. Basically, every time I was sending the request and it was outdated and calculation was in progress, it was giving a 409 (only when I exported to CSV so I switched to using a regular GET request instead).
The problem is solved now but just to let you know, the type of report I was using was originally an IssuePerProjectReport and aggregating that on Spent time. Later I switched to Time Report with the following request:
Thank you for your answer! Glad to hear that everything is working now.
As for the 409 issue: the error code 409 means that a sent request conflicts with the current state of the resource. So it is expected that it was shown when the report was being recalculated.