Unable to bind with Gitlab VCS (Received NOT_FOUND from GitLab server)
I'm currently not able to bind Youtrack with our Gitlab CE instance.
Steps to reproduce:
- have a project on http://gitlab-ce-server/group/subgroup/project
- creating integration on gitlab project settings - works
- on youtrack > Admin > VCS Integration create New > Select Project (Not same name as in gitlab), service Gitlab, Project URL: http://gitlab-ce-server/group/subgroup/project AND http://gitlab-ce-server/ both were tested.
- token used is from the admin user with correct rights (postman test shows all projects if API call is being made)
Expected result:
- VCS Integration succeeds.
Actual result:
an Error is being thrown:
In case of http://gitlab-ce-server/:
In case of http://gitlab-ce-server/group/subgroup/project
Note: I've removed the field entries before taking a screenshot intentionally.
Using Youtrack On-Prem (latest version)
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I'm Sergey from the YouTrack team.
The error is solely based on what the GitLab API returns. Basically, we send a request to GitLab to retrieve the provided repo. If it returns 404, this error is shown.
Please share your Postman requests and responses Also, share the YouTrack logs. You can upload data to https://uploads.youtrack.cloud/ (it's secure and the files can be downloaded by our team only).
Also, if you want to create a personal ticket (this is a public forum), feel free to do so.
Hi Sergej and thank you for your feedback.
Since we are using our own Gitlab server, we have found that you have to add your BASE_URL under the Advanced field. The Wiki Article very poorly describes this use-case. After I've updated the prefix, I could successfully finalize the process.
I am not sure I understand the implementation correctly - at the moment, YouTrack does NOT support the "Full" VCS (which would allow to bind ALL projects in Gitlab with all Projects in YouTrack) instead of selecting ONE gitlab project only? If the "global" setting is possible, how can we do that?
Thank you very much!
Sorry for the late reply.
It seems that the documentation covers this very specific case in detail. How would you change it to make it clearer?

That's not possible, I'm afraid. You can link one GitLab project/repository at a time. We have a related feature request in our public tracker: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/JT-52211/Automate-VCS-integration-setup-with-multiple-repositories. Please feel free to vote for this issue. This helps us gauge how much impact this feature will have on our customer base, and you’ll also get subscribed to the issue’s notifications. To do so, sign in to JetBrains YouTrack and hit a thumbs-up icon.