Change of state for certain issue types when sprint is archived
Hi! Is it possible to somehow use isArchived property for Sprint (say, issue.sprints.added.first().isArchived) to automate change of state for certain issue types included in a particular sprint at the moment when this sprint is archived?
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I'm Lena from YouTrack.
Unfortunately, workflow reacts only to the changes in the issues. We don't have such types of workflows which react to changes in the boards or sprint settings. As a possible workaround, you can create an on-schedule rule which will check if the issue is a part of the sprint and if this sprint is archived and then change its field value.
Let me know if you have additional questions.
Hej, tried the following, however, cannot figure out why it's not working:
- incorrect cron expression? what time is used to trigger that automation: datacenter time of some other?
- incorrect search syntax?
Thank you in advance
At first sight, both search query and cron are fine. Are there any errors in the workflow.log?
No, no errors (((
Also tried Workflow builder

The event log at least says:
Could you please specify if you first tested the search expression in the search bar on the issues list page? Does it show the correct issues filtered?
yes, everything is fine with that
Yulia Svirskaya the event log shows that the workflow was triggered and that it found some issues to change. If the state of that issue didn't change, please check that there are no additional workflows that can change the state back.
Hi, there are no additional workflows. However, please note, that today this automation (JavaScript) suddenly started to work (nothing changed from Wednesday 19.07). Has anything changed from YT side?
If not, I would suppose, that there might be a problem with CRON expression and, say, 0 54 16 ? * * * triggers rules not every day on 16:54, but every Monday, however, it seems very unlikely
It is difficult to say if anything has changed. The cron expression that you have should run every day. Does the workflow run every day now?